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about us

Our Law Firm

Why choose us ?

Top Quality Service

We are committed to providing our clients with high-quality legal services, by being responsive to their needs, and by always remaining at the forefront of all legal developments.

Professional Experience

We adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards and try always to remain aware of our role as lawyers in the wider social fabric.

Our Team

We are a dynamic, highly experienced and progressive legal service team that offers quality legal services.

Integrated experience in a number of cases

Welcome to Caleb Mucheche Law Chambers, Lawyers with a heart for equity and their fingers on the beat of business in Zimbabwe.

our experience

Case Experience

Our lawyers cover a wide range of practice areas. We have a proven track record

need legal advice ?
Feel free to get in touch with any enquiries and one of our friendly members of staff will get back to you as soon as possible. Book your consultation with our experts and get confidential advice from our Attorneys.


Caleb Mucheche and Partners Law Chambers, Commercial, Investment and Labour Law, Legal Practitioners, was formed and contracted under the above style on 1 May 2019. The Partnership carries out its business from No. 6 Meredith Drive, Eastlea, Harare, Zimbabwe.